Inner Circle
Inner Circle
President – Rev. Tiffany
The purpose
of the IDC WOP Inner Circle is to guide and nurture young women between the ages of 18 years – 35
years as they become
women of God. The goal of the Inner Circle is
to inspire, equip, support, and disciple young women to live in God’s
purpose. We will fulfill our vision by
creating opportunities and resources for our young women to discover their
gifts and be empowered to fulfill His purpose for their lives. The Inner Circle is a community of young
women and WOP counsellors that are there to support and uplift one
another. They are a team building
Ministry and the aim is to cater to the body, mind, and spirit of each young
woman. The activities and events
designed exclusively for the young women are to assist in their growth and
development. This Ministry is a
subsidiary of The IDC Women’s Ministry.