Evangelism “Go Team”

Evangelism Director – Rev. Muriel Lightbourn

Assisted by Rev. Jenson Bethel & Rev. Leonardo Allen

Here at IDC we recognize that having a good evangelism system means that our church works strategically, consistently, and on multiple levels to present the gospel. We do not overlook those who are outside of our four walls.

In Matthew 26:19-20, we find the "marching orders" from Jesus that we know as the Great Commission and this is what we do. 

The Evangelism Team not only spreads the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the islands of New Providence but we are also mandated to offer food, clothing and supplies to needy persons throughout the communities of the Bahamas. 

Our Evangelism Team is also responsible for conducting evangelism training exercises to equip persons in spreading the gospel.  The evangelism arm of IDC works closely with every Ministry of the body and assists in whatever area assistance is required.  If you would like to be a part of a dynamic team of individuals responsible for spreading the gospel and assisting persons in need then contact our church office today.