Bus Ministry Overseer Rev. Jenson Bethel

IDC Bus ministry is designed to provide marginalized, economically struggling groups of people with free transportation to Sunday services, mid-week services and church events, fulfilling the mission of the church by reaching out to people in need. 

But our bus ministry offers so much more!  To win souls. Statistics tell us that the vast majority of people who get saved do so before age 18, and the majority of those get saved before age 12. Jesus did not say for children to become like adults to get saved, but for adults to become as little children (Mark 10:15). The bus ministry has proven itself as one of the greatest soulwinning tools the church has at its disposal.

To fill God’s house. God wants His house to be filled. Go after everyone you can find – and out into the highways and hedges. Compel them to come in. God gets no glory from an empty pew, an empty chair, an empty classroom, an empty baptistery, or an empty bus.

To provide an opportunity for church members to serve. The bus ministry itself is an area of service; but it also involves teachers and other people in the work of the ministry. Even children can serve in the bus ministry (my kids have been in buses and vans all their lives, and have learned to serve and love the kids who ride the buses).

To reach new families. Yes, bus kids have parents, grandparents, siblings, etc that can be reached with the gospel through their children and often become faithful, serving families in the church.

To practice pure religion. Jas 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

To exercise compassion (Jude 22), ministering to those who can do nothing in return. Luke 14:13-14 But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: (14) And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.

To influence children for Christ and good. In our society, many children will have no Christian influence at all unless we can either reach them with their parents – or reach them without their parents. Those who ride our bus will be cared about by dedicated, kind, Christian people; they will hear the Ten Commandments quoted each week; they will hear prayer; they will hear the gospel; they will hear Bible lessons and messages. In my wife’s case, as in countless others, the bus ministry influenced her with not only salvation, but also with Bible principles, ethics, standards, and morals that she would never have received away from church. This influence kept her from making tragic mistakes in her teen years.

We are presently raising funds to purchase another bus.  If you are interested in being apart of this drive or serving in this arm of ministry please do not hesitate to contact our church office today.